Best Arabic Names for Boys in 2025
Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy is a significant decision, as it carries meaning and cultural heritage. In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best Arabic names for boys in 2025, divided into two categories: general names and names mentioned in the Quran. Each name is accompanied by its meaning and Romanized pronunciation for easy reference.
Table 1: General Arabic Names for Boys
Name | الاسم | Meaning | Pronunciation |
Ali | علي | High, Exalted | Aa-lee |
Amir | أمير | Prince, Leader | Aa-meer |
Ayman | أيمن | Lucky, Blessed | Ay-man |
Basil | باسل | Brave, Fearless | Ba-sil |
Bilal | بلال | Water, Moisture | Bee-lal |
Fadi | فادي | Savior, Redeemer | Faa-dee |
Faris | فارس | Knight, Horseman | Faa-ris |
Hamza | حمزة | Strong, Steadfast | Ham-za |
Hassan | حسن | Handsome, Good | Has-san |
Hadi | هادي | Guide, Leader | Haa-dee |
Idris | إدريس | Interpreter, Studious | Id-rees |
Imran | عمران | Prosperity, Long-lived | Im-raan |
Jad | جاد | Generous, Noble | Jaad |
Karim | كريم | Generous, Noble | Ka-reem |
Khalid | خالد | Eternal, Immortal | Kha-lid |
Layth | ليث | Lion | Layth |
Malik | مالك | King, Owner | Ma-lik |
Marwan | مروان | Solid, Flint | Mar-waan |
Nadir | نادر | Rare, Precious | Naa-deer |
Omar | عمر | Long-lived, Flourishing | O-mar |
Qasim | قاسم | Divider, Distributor | Qaa-sim |
Rayan | ريان | Gates of Heaven | Ra-yan |
Sami | سامي | Elevated, Sublime | Saa-mee |
Tariq | طارق | Morning Star | Ta-reek |
Usama | أسامة | Lion | U-saa-ma |
Waleed | وليد | Newborn | Wa-leed |
Yasser | ياسر | Easy, Comfortable | Yas-ser |
Zaid | زيد | Growth, Abundance | Zayd |
Zayn | زين | Beauty, Grace | Zayn |
Table 2: Boys’ Names Mentioned in the Quran
Name | الاسم | Meaning | Pronunciation |
Adam | آدم | Man, Earth | Aa-dam |
Ayub | أيوب | Patient | Aa-yoob |
Dawud | داود | Beloved | Da-wood |
Harun | هارون | Mountain of Strength | Ha-roon |
Ibrahim | إبراهيم | Father of Nations | Ib-raa-heem |
Idris | إدريس | Interpreter, Studious | Id-rees |
Ilyas | إلياس | The Lord is My God | Il-yaas |
Isa | عيسى | God is Salvation | Ee-saa |
Ismail | إسماعيل | God Will Hear | Is-maa-eel |
Ishaq | إسحاق | Laughter | Is-haaq |
Lut | لوط | Hidden | Loot |
Muhammad | محمد | Praised | Mo-ham-mad |
Musa | موسى | Drawn from Water | Moo-saa |
Nuh | نوح | Rest, Comfort | Nooh |
Saleh | صالح | Righteous | Sa-leh |
Sulaiman | سليمان | Man of Peace | Su-lay-maan |
Yunus | يونس | Dove | Yu-noos |
Yahya | يحيى | God is Gracious | Yah-yaa |
Yusuf | يوسف | God Will Increase | Yu-soof |
Zakariya | زكريا | Remembered by God | Za-ka-ri-yaa |
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