learn the Arabic numbers
In this lesson you will learn the Arabic numbers “Arabic cardinal numbers” From 1 to 10.
This lesson will enable you yo use them in sentences and real world conversations.
You will learn the pronunciation of Arabic numbers with Latin script and audio files.
Don’t worry it is not that complicated, we will use an easy pattern to learn the numbers in few steps.
Lets Start !!
About the Arabic numbers:
- The real Arabic numbers (0,1,2,3,4..9) are the ones the western world use.
- The contemporary Arab World is using the Hindi/Indian numbers (٠,١,٢,٣,٤…) like the picture above.
Arabic cardinal numbers Read, listen and repeat:
Arabic(western) format | Latin | arabic | |
Numbers | alarqam | alarqam | الأرقامarabic-numbers |
٠ | 0 | sifr | صفر |
١ | 1 | waahed | واحد |
٢ | 2 | athnaan | إثنان |
٣ | 3 | thalaathah | ثلاثة |
٤ | 4 | aarba3ah | أربعة |
٥ | 5 | khamsah | خمسة |
٦ | 6 | settah | ستة |
٧ | 7 | sab3ah | سبعة |
٨ | 8 | thamaaneeeah | ثمانيةarabic-numbers-eight |
٩ | 9 | tes3ah | تسعة |
١٠ | 10 | 3ashrah | عشرة |
Be careful While Arabic letters are written from right-to-left, numbers in Arabic are written from left-to-right.
٥١٠٧ is the number “5107” not “7015”.Note The number “1”واحد , functions as a regular adjective:
we say one man = رجل واحد / one Toy = لعبة واحدة
but when you order coffer don’t say one coffe = واحد قهوة
say a cup of coffe = فنجان قهوة
Note The number “two” functions as a regular dual adjective also is a pronoun.
List of Ordinal Numbers in Arabic
English | Latin/F | arabic | |
First | Al Awwal/ Al Oula | الأول | |
second | Thani/ Al Thania | الثانى | |
third | Al Thaleth / Al Thaletha | الثالث | |
fourth | Al Rabe3/ Al Rabe3a | الرابع | |
fifth | Al Khaames / Khaamesa | الخامس | |
sixth | Al Sadis / Al Sadisa | السادس | |
seventh | Al Sabe3 /Al Sabe3a | السابع | |
eighth | Al Thamen / Al Thamena | الثامن | |
ninth | Al Tase3 / Al Tase’a | التاسع | |
tenth | Al acher / Al achera | العاشر |
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Check the Egyptian arabic lessons