Cardinal directions in Arabic – Points of the compass in arabic – اتجاهات البوصلة

Cardinal Directions in Arabic

In Arabic, mastering the points of the compass not only enhances your vocabulary but also plays a crucial role in everyday communication, especially in regions where traditional direction-giving still relies heavily on these terms. Whether navigating through city streets, planning a trip through the desert, or engaging in conversation about geography, knowing these directions in Arabic gives you an edge. Learning the nuances of how directions are given can also provide a deeper cultural understanding, as Arabic speakers may use landmarks and other reference points besides the compass.


In ArabicPronunciationIn English
الشمالAl shamalNorth
الجنوبAl ganoobSouth
الشرقAl sharqEast
الغربAl gharbWest
الشمال الشرقىAl shamal Al sharqeNortheast
الجنوب الشرقىAl ganoob Al sharqeSoutheast
الجنوب الغربىAl ganoob Al gharbeSouthwest
الشمال الغربىAl shamal Al gharbeNorthwest
شمال الشمال الشرقيShamal Al shamal Al sharqeNorth-Northeast
شرق الشمال الشرقيSharq Al shamal Al sharqeEast-Northeast
شرق الجنوب الشرقيSharq Al ganoob Al sharqeEast-Southeast

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