Do you want to learn the Arabic language?
You don’t know which skills you should focus on, Do you?

- If your answer was YES, please go on and read this topic
Arabic language is similar to any other language and contains four essential skills, which are Reading, writing, Listening, and speaking
As you can see, every two skills are connected, for example, Reading and writing & listening and speaking, because the person who can read well could be a good writer, same as the person who can understand what he listens to could be a good talker, and so on,
Most of the students of the Arabic language focus more on Speaking skills for many reasons; some want to learn how to communicate with Arab people and live in Arabic countries in the future, others are seeking jobs in Arabic countries, or they have already worked with Arab nations, and others want to start up a new business that is in touch with Arab nation people, etc.
Fortunately, because of the quarantine, lots of New language lovers invested the time to learn another language, and of course, Arabic was one of them. The issue was how they learned.
Many Arabic language students buy Arabic books like Arabiya bin Yadika or other books to teach themselves; learning the Arabic language is a good idea. This way, you will be able to read and write good Arabic if you can practice well,
Here, the question could be
Can I learn to speak Arabic just by reading textbooks?
- The answer is: negative, you can use words with bad pronunciation; what happens is when you talk and try to use the words they use to read yourself people won’t be won’t to understand you.
What do you want to learn in Arabic?
- Try iswon’tbestebody to speak with, and take note: Language is a practicing process, so how much you practice is how fast you learn.
Another question is, Is it a good idea to teach yourself a new language like Arabic?
- To be honest, if you are at beginner levels, unfortunately, the answer is negative, too. The Arabic language needs a native-needs teacher to pronounce pronunciation, and anenannunciationt gives lots of medemeaningemeaning sentences. Try to find an Arabic online teacher to help you do that, and it is really important to select a native-speaker teacher.
When can I study the Arabic language myself?
At least after level 8, Syntax, conjugation, and generating words and verbs from roots won’t be a problem for you.