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Learn Arabic Vocabulary: Animals for Kids


🎮 Fun Activity: Learn Zoo Animal Vocabulary in Arabic 🐯🦓

A zoo is a wonderful place to see many different animals. In this article, we’ll learn the Arabic names for animals you can find in a zoo. Through fun activities, games, and songs, we’ll make learning Arabic enjoyable and easy!

Zoo Vocabulary (مفردات الحديقة الحيوانية)

Let’s start by learning some essential zoo vocabulary words in Arabic!

Word (Arabic) Pronunciation (Romanized) Meaning (English)
حديقة الحيوان Hadiqat al-Hayawan Zoo
أسد Asad Lion
فيل Feel Elephant
قرد Qird Monkey
زرافة Zarafa Giraffe
حمار وحشي Hamar Wahshi Zebra
نمر Nimir Tiger
دب Dubb Bear
طيور Tuyoor Birds
سلحفاة Sulhafa Turtle
غزال Ghazal Gazelle
فهد Fahd Cheetah
قنفذ Qunfudh Hedgehog
تمساح Timsah Crocodile
عصفور ‘Asfoor Sparrow

Examples of Zoo Animals in Sentences (أمثلة عن الحيوانات في الحديقة الحيوانية)

Now, let’s use some of the vocabulary in simple Arabic sentences!

  • الأسد يعيش في الغابة وفي حديقة الحيوان.
    Al-Asad ya’eesh fi al-ghabah wa fi Hadiqat al-Hayawan. (The lion lives in the jungle and the zoo.)
  • الفيل لديه خرطوم طويل.
    Al-Feel ladayh khurtoom tawil. (The elephant has a long trunk.)
  • القرد يحب التسلق على الأشجار.
    Al-Qird yuhibbu at-tasallaq ‘ala ash-shajarah. (The monkey likes to climb trees.)
  • الزرافة أطول حيوان في حديقة الحيوان.
    Az-Zarafa atwal hayawan fi Hadiqat al-Hayawan. (The giraffe is the tallest animal in the zoo.)
  • النمر سريع في الجري.
    An-Nimir saree’ fi al-jary. (The tiger is fast at running.)

🎶 Fun Song: The Zoo Song!

Here’s a fun song to help kids remember zoo animal names in Arabic. Sing along with your children!

Lyrics (English):
The lion roars, the elephant stomps,
The monkey swings, the giraffe stands tall!
In the zoo, animals play,
Learning animals every day!Lyrics (Arabic Romanized):
Al-asad ya’oo, al-feel yad’uf,
Al-qird yalta’ib, al-zarafa tawila!
Fi al-hadiqa, al-hayawanat tal’abu,
Nat’allam al-hayawanat kulla youm!

🎮 Fun Activity: Animal Matching Games 🧩

Here are some fun games to make learning zoo animal names in Arabic more interactive and exciting:

  • Animal Lineup (لعبة “اصطف الحيوانات”)
    Divide the kids into groups and ask them to line up zoo animals in rows based on categories (wild animals, sea animals, birds, etc.). Kids can identify the correct type and name the animal in Arabic. Arabic Pronunciation: “Istaf al-hayawanat”
  • Animal Hunt (لعبة “البحث عن الحيوان”)
    Write the names of zoo animals on colored paper and hide them around the room or garden. When the kids find the animal, they have to say its name in Arabic. Arabic Pronunciation: “Al-bahth ‘an al-hayawan”
  • Animal Sounds (لعبة “أصوات الحيوانات”)
    Ask the kids to mimic the sounds of animals and then say the name of the animal in Arabic. Arabic Pronunciation: “Aswat al-hayawanat”
  • Animal Guessing Game (لعبة “تخمين الحيوانات”)
    Show pictures of zoo animals and ask the kids to guess the animal’s name in Arabic. Arabic Pronunciation: “L’ebat Takhmin al-Hayawanat”

Safety Tips for Fun Activities (نصائح السلامة للأنشطة الممتعة)

While learning, it’s important to keep safety in mind during these fun games:

  • Always supervise children during activities.
  • Ensure the environment is safe and free from hazards.
  • Encourage teamwork and help kids take turns.

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