Learn Colors vocabulary in Arabic Fun Activities Songs and Games for Kids


🌈 Learning Colors vocabulary in Arabic for Non-Native Speakers


Introduction to Colors

Learning colors is an essential part of any language. In Arabic, colors not only help in communication but also add beauty and expression to everyday conversations. This article will teach you the names of basic colors in Arabic, their pronunciation in Latin letters (transliteration), and engaging activities to help learners practice.

Colors in Arabic

  • اللونالنطق العربيالترجمة الإنجليزية
    🟥 أحمرAhmarRed
    🟦 أزرقAzraqBlue
    🟩 أخضرAkhdarGreen
    🟨 أصفرAsfarYellow
    ⚫ أسودAswadBlack
    ⚪ أبيضAbyadWhite
    🟧 برتقاليBurtuqaliOrange
    🟪 بنفسجيBanafsajiPurple
    🟫 بنيBunniBrown
    🌸 ورديWardiPink
    🟨 فضيFiddiSilver
    🟩 ذهبيDhahabiGold
    🟤 رماديRamadiGray
    🟥 تيفانيTifaniTiffany Blue

Practical Use of Colors in Everyday Life

To make learning colors more practical, integrate them into everyday scenarios:

  • Clothing: “ما لون قميصك؟” (What color is your shirt?)
  • Food: “ما لون التفاحة؟” (What is the color of the apple?)
  • Nature: “ما لون السماء اليوم؟” (What is the color of the sky today?)

Engaging Activities to Learn Colors

  • Color Matching Game 🎨: Prepare colored cards and write the Arabic name of each color on separate cards. Match colors with their corresponding names.
  • Find the Color Around You 🔍: Ask learners to find objects around them that match specific colors. Example: “أين اللون الأحمر؟” (Where is the red color?)
  • Art Time with Colors ✂️: Create drawings of rainbows, fruits, or flowers and label the colors in Arabic.
  • Interactive Physical Games:
    • Color Jump: Place colored papers on the floor. Call out a color in Arabic, and learners jump to the correct color.
    • Speed Round: Who can name the most colors in Arabic in one minute?

Questions to Spark Curiosity

Incorporate thought-provoking questions to engage learners:

  • “ما هو لونك المفضل؟ ولماذا؟”
    (Ma huwa lawnak al-mufaddal? Wa limatha?)
    What is your favorite color, and why?
  • “ما هي الألوان الموجودة في علم بلدك؟”
    (Ma hiya al-alwan al-mawjooda fi ‘alam baladak?)
    What are the colors in your country’s flag?

Exploring Emotions with Colors

Link colors to feelings to create emotional connections:

  • “الأحمر يعبر عن القوة.” (Red represents strength.)
    (Al-ahmar yu’abbir ‘an al-quwwa.)“الأزرق يعبر عن الهدوء.” (Blue represents calmness.)
    (Al-azraq yu’abbir ‘an al-hudu.)Ask learners to share how colors make them feel:
    “ما هو اللون الذي يجعلك سعيدًا؟” (What color makes you happy?)
    (Ma huwa al-lawn al-ladhi yaj’aluka sa’idan?)

Creative Tools for Learning Colors

Try these DIY projects:

  • Color Flashcards:
    Make flashcards with color names in Arabic.
    (بطاقات ملونة: اصنع بطاقات ملونة بأسماء الألوان بالعربية.)
    (Bitaqat malawwana: Isna’ bitaqat malawwana bismi al-alwan bil-‘Arabiyya.)
  • Color Wheel:
    Create a simple wheel that learners can spin to practice colors.
    (عجلة الألوان: أنشئ عجلة بسيطة يمكن للمتعلمين تدويرها لممارسة الألوان.)
    (Ajlat al-alwan: Anshi’ ‘ajala basita yumkin lil-muta‘allimeen tadweeruha limumarasat al-alwan.)
  • Rainbow Art:
    Draw and color a rainbow, labeling each color in Arabic.
    (فن قوس قزح: ارسم وقم بتلوين قوس قزح، مع تسمية كل لون بالعربية.)
    (Fann qaws quzah: Arsim wa qom bitawween qaws quzah, ma‘ tasmiya kull lawn bil-‘Arabiyya.)

Weekly Challenges and Homework

  • Photo Challenge: Take photos of five objects matching specific colors and name them in Arabic.
  • Color Story: Write a short story using three or more colors learned in class.

Sing-Along: Colors Song 🎵



Ahmar is red, Azraq is blue,
Akhdar is green, and Asfar too.
Colors are fun, we love them all,
Learning Arabic, we’ll have a ball!


أحمر هو الأحمر، أزرق هو الأزرق،
أخضر هو الأخضر، وأصفر أيضًا.
الألوان ممتعة، نحبها جميعًا،
تعلم العربية، سنستمتع كثيرًا!

Romanized Pronunciation:

Ahmar huwa al-ahmar, Azraq huwa al-azraq,
Akhdar huwa al-akhdar, wa Asfar ayzan.
Al-alwan mumti’a, nuhibbuha jamee’an,
Ta’lam al-‘Arabiyya, sanastamti’ katheeran


By using practical examples, interactive activities, and creative tools, learners can make significant progress in understanding and using colors in Arabic. Pairing colors with emotions and everyday contexts makes the learning process more meaningful and enjoyable. 🌟

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