Learn Park Vocabulary in Arabic for Kids


🎓 Learn Park Vocabulary in Arabic for Kids

Parks are wonderful places to explore and enjoy nature. In this article, we’ll learn Arabic words for items and places you can find in a park. By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to talk about your day at the park in Arabic! 🌳🌸

🌳 Park (حديقة – Hadiqa)

A park is a public area where you can enjoy nature, play, or have a picnic. In Arabic, “park” is:


✨ Example: Al-hadiqa jameela wa kabira. *(The park is beautiful and big.)*

🏀 Playground (ملعب – Mal’ab)

A playground is a place where kids can play games and have fun. In Arabic, “playground” is:


✨ Example: Ana al’abu fi al-mal’ab. *(I play in the playground.)*

🪑 Bench (مقعد – Maq’ad)

A bench is where people can sit and relax in the park. In Arabic, “bench” is:


✨ Example: Al-maq’ad taht ash-shajarah. *(The bench is under the tree.)*

🌳 Tree (شجرة – Shajarah)

A tree is a large plant with a trunk and branches. In Arabic, “tree” is:


✨ Example: Al-shajarah kabira wa khadra. *(The tree is big and green.)*

🌸 Flower (زهرة – Zahrah)

A flower is a colorful part of a plant. In Arabic, “flower” is:


✨ Example: Al-zahrah jamila wa malyanah bil-awwan. *(The flower is beautiful and full of colors.)*

🍇 Grass (عشب – ‘Ushb)

Grass covers the ground and makes parks lush and green. In Arabic, “grass” is:


✨ Example: Al-ushb akhdar wa nadhif. *(The grass is green and clean.)*

🍍 Fountain (نوراس – Nawras)

Fountains add beauty and a refreshing ambiance to parks. In Arabic, “fountain” is:


✨ Example: An-nawras yarfu’ al-ma’a ila al-hawa. *(The fountain shoots water into the air.)*

📺 Fun Song: Let’s Go to the Park!

Here’s a simple and fun song to help kids learn park-related words in Arabic:

Lyrics (English):

Let’s go to the park, you and me,
We’ll see flowers and trees, what a sight to see!
Sit on the bench, under the tree,
Enjoy the fresh air and the breeze!

Lyrics (Arabic Romanized):

Let’s go ila al-hadiqa, anta wa ana,
Sanara al-zuhur wal-ash-shajar, ma ajmal al-manzar!
Ajlis ‘ala al-maq’ad, taht ash-shajarah,
Nasta’idh bi al-hawa wa al-naseem!

🎧 Tip: Sing this with your kids while pretending to walk through a park—it’s a great way to make learning fun!

🧩 Riddles About the Park

Engage kids with these fun riddles that teach Arabic vocabulary while sparking curiosity:

Riddle about Trees (لغز عن الأشجار):

I’m tall and green, with branches so wide,
أنا طويل وأخضر، وأغصاني واسعة (Ana taweel wa akhdar, wa aghsani wasee’ah),
I stand in the park, with nothing to hide!
أقف في الحديقة بلا خفاء (Aqif fil hadiqah bila khafa’).
Answer: Tree (شَجَرَةShajarah)

Riddle about Flowers (لغز عن الأزهار):

I’m colorful and bright, in the park I bloom,
أنا مُلَوَّنة ومشرقة، وأزهر في الحديقة (Ana mulawwanah wa mushriqah, wa azhar fil hadiqah),
I add beauty to nature and cheer up the room!
أُضِيفُ جمالًا للطبيعة وأُبْهِجُ المكان (Udeefu jamalan lit-tabi’ah wa ubhijul makan).
Answer: Flower (زَهْرَةZahrah)

Riddle about the Park (لغز عن الحديقة):

I’m a place for fun and rest,
أنا مكان للمرح والاسترخاء (Ana makan lil-marh wal-istirkha’),
With trees, flowers, and benches, I’m the best!
فيَّ أشجار وزهور ومقاعد، أنا الأفضل (Fiyya asjaar wa zuhoor wa maqae’d, ana al-afdal).
Answer: Park (حَدِيقَةHadiqah)

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💡 Pro Tip: Practice these words with flashcards or a memory game to make learning even more engaging!