Weather vocabulary in Arabic
The weather is an important part of our daily lives. In this lesson, we will learn how to talk about the weather in Arabic. Let’s start!
1. Weather Vocabulary (Pronunciation in Arabic) 🌦️
English Arabic Transliteration Emoji Rain مطر Matar 🌧️ Sun شمس Shams 🌞 Clouds غيم Ghaym ☁️ Wind ريح Reeh 🌬️ Snow ثلج Thalj ❄️ Storm عاصفة ‘Aasifah 🌪️ Lightning برق Barq ⚡ Fog ضباب Dabab 🌫️ Rainbow قوس قزح Qaws Qazaḥ 🌈 Hail بَرَد Barad ❄️
2. Fruits and Vegetables Affected by Weather 🥕🍉
Different types of weather can affect what fruits and vegetables grow. Here are some examples:
- Banana – موز (Mawz) 🍌
- Tomato – طماطم (Tamatem) 🍅
- Orange – برتقال (Bortuqal) 🍊
- Carrot – جزر (Jazar) 🥕
- Grapes – عنب (Inab) 🍇
3. Clothes for Different Weather ☀️❄️
In different types of weather, we wear different clothes. Here are some examples:
- Hot weather: T-shirt and shorts – تي شيرت وشورت (T-shirt wa short) 🏖️
- Cold weather: Jacket and scarf – جاكيت ووشاح (Jacket wa wishaah) 🧥🧣
- Rainy weather: Umbrella – مظلة (Mizalla) ☂️
4. Synonyms Related to Weather 🌈🌧️
- Warm – دافئ (Dafe’) 🌞
- Cold – بارد (Bared) ❄️
- Clear – صافي (Safi) 🌤️
- Stormy – عاصف (Aasif) 🌪️
5. Weather Song 🎶
Let’s sing a fun song to learn more about the weather:
“Rain is falling down, falling down, falling down. Rain is falling down, all around the town.”
6. Fun Games and Activities 🧩
1. بطاقات الطقس المطابقة
النشاط: اصنع بطاقات تحتوي على صور لأنواع مختلفة من الطقس وكلماتها، وقم بمطابقتها معاً.
النطق: Isna’ bataqat tahtawi ‘ala suwar li-anwa’ mukhtalifa min al-taqs wa kalimat-ha, wa qum bimataabaqat-ha ma’an.
English: Create cards with pictures of different weather types and their corresponding words. Match them together!2. رسم الطقس
النشاط: ارسم صوراً لأنواع مختلفة من الطقس، ودع أصدقائك يخمنون ما هي.
النطق: Irsum suwaran li-anwa’ mukhtalifa min al-taqs, wa da’ asdiqa’ik yakhmannun ma hiya.
English: Draw pictures of different weather types and have your friends guess what they are.This format provides clarity with the Arabic description, Romanized pronunciation, and the English translation.
7. Tips from Mom 👩👧👦
When the weather is hot, always drink lots of water! And when it’s cold, wear your warm clothes. 🌞❄️
8. Add Some Emojis 🧸🌻
Emojis are a fun way to express how we feel about the weather! 😁☀️🌧️
9. What is Weather? (For Kids) 🌈
The weather is how the sky looks and feels. It can be sunny, rainy, windy, or snowy. It helps us decide what to wear and what to do every day!
10. Weather Puzzle 🧩
Let’s create a puzzle! Cut out pictures of the sun, clouds, and rain, and put them together to create a weather scene!
11. Fun Activity! 🎨
Draw a picture of your favorite weather. Is it sunny, rainy, or snowy? Use colors like yellow for the sun or blue for the rain!
12. Fun Facts About Weather 🌍
- Did you know that the hottest place on Earth is the Lut Desert in Iran? It can reach 159°F (70.7°C)! 🔥
- The coldest temperature ever recorded was -128.6°F (-89.2°C) in Antarctica! 🧊
13. Simple Science Experiment for Kids 🔬
Try this fun experiment to see how clouds form! Fill a glass with warm water, place a plate on top, and then add ice on top of the plate. Watch the water vapor turn into “clouds”!
14. Interactive Questions for Kids ❓
Answer these questions:
- What type of weather do you like best? Why?
- What clothes do you wear when it’s raining?
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