Wudu Vocabulary in Arabic for Non-Native Arabic Speakers
Wudu (وضوء Wudu’) is a crucial aspect of Islamic practices, particularly for prayer. It involves a specific method of cleaning certain body parts, symbolizing physical and spiritual purification. Here, we provide a comprehensive guide with vocabulary, obligatory acts, and recommended Sunnah acts, ensuring easy learning for non-native Arabic speakers.
Vocabulary of Wudu (مفردات الوضوء Mufradat al-Wudu’)
Arabic | English Translation | Arabic Pronunciation |
وضوء (Wudu’) | Ablution | Wudu’ |
طهارة (Ṭahārah) | Purification | Taharah |
رفع الحدث الأصغر (Raf‘ al-ḥadath al-Aṣghar) | Removing minor impurity | Raf’ al-hadath al-asghar |
تجديد الوضوء (Tajdīd al-Wuḍu’) | Renewing ablution | Tajdeed al-wudu’ |
الغسل الجزئي (Al-Ghusl al-Juz’ī) | Partial washing | Al-ghusl al-juz’i |
الاغتسال (Al-Ightisal) | Complete washing | Al-ightisal |
نقاء (Naqā’) | Cleanliness | Naqa’ |
تهيئة (Tahi’a) | Preparation | Tahi’a |
How to Perform Wudu (كيفية الوضوء Kayfiyyat al-Wudu’)
Wudu is performed in a series of steps that ensure cleanliness and spiritual readiness for prayer. Below is a step-by-step guide:
Step | Arabic Term | Description |
1. Intention | النية (An-Niyyah) | Begin with the intention in your heart to perform Wudu for prayer. |
2. Saying “Bismillah” | البسملة (Al-Basmala) | Say “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah). |
3. Washing the hands | غسل الكفين (Ghasl al-Kaffayn) | Wash both hands up to the wrists three times. |
4. Rinsing the mouth | المضمضة (Al-Madmadah) | Rinse your mouth three times by taking water into it and swirling. |
5. Cleaning the nose | الاستنشاق (Al-Istinshaq) and الاستنثار (Al-Istinthar) | Sniff water into your nostrils three times and expel it. |
6. Washing the face | غسل الوجه (Ghasl al-Wajh) | Wash your face from the hairline to the chin and from ear to ear three times. |
7. Washing the arms | غسل اليدين (Ghasl al-Yadayn) | Wash your arms, including the elbows, starting with the right arm, three times each. |
8. Wiping the head | مسح الرأس (Masḥ al-Ra’s) | Wet your hands and pass them over your head from front to back and back to front once. |
9. Wiping the ears | مسح الأذنين (Masḥ al-Udhunayn) | Use your wet fingers to clean inside and outside the ears. |
10. Washing the feet | غسل القدمين (Ghasl al-Qadamayn) | Wash both feet up to the ankles, starting with the right foot, three times each. |
11. Supplication after Wudu | الدعاء بعد الوضوء (Ad-Du’a Ba’d al-Wudu’) | Recite: “Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wahdahu la sharika lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh.” |
Obligatory Acts of Wudu (فرائض الوضوء Fara’id al-Wudu’)
Arabic | English Translation | Arabic Pronunciation |
غسل الوجه (Ghasl al-Wajh) | Washing the face | Ghasl al-wajh |
غسل اليدين (Ghasl al-Yadayn) | Washing the hands | Ghasl al-yadayn |
مسح الرأس (Masḥ al-Ra‘s) | Wiping the head | Mas-h al-ra’s |
غسل القدمين (Ghasl al-Qadamayn) | Washing the feet | Ghasl al-qadamayn |
الترتيب (Al-Tartib) | Maintaining order | Al-tartib |
الموالاة (Al-Muwalah) | Washing without delay | Al-muwalah |
Recommended Sunnah Acts of Wudu (سنن الوضوء Sunan al-Wudu’)
Arabic | English Translation | Arabic Pronunciation |
البسملة (Al-Basmala) | Saying “Bismillah” | Al-basmala |
السواك (Al-Siwak) | Using a tooth-stick (Siwak) | Al-siwak |
غسل الكفين (Ghasl al-Kaffayn) | Washing the hands (3 times) | Ghasl al-kaffayn |
الاستنشاق (‘Istinshaq) | Sniffing water into the nose | Istinshaq |
الاستنثار (‘Istinthar) | Blowing water out of the nose | Istinthar |
مسح الأذنين (Masḥ al-Udhunayn) | Wiping the ears | Mas-h al-udhunayn |
الدعاء (‘Du‘a) | Supplication after Wudu | Du’a |
Sample Sentences for Learning:
- Before prayer, Muslims perform Wudu to purify themselves.
Qabla al-salah, al-muslimun yaqumun bi-wudu’ li-taharat anfusihim. - Washing the face is an obligatory act of Wudu.
Ghasl al-wajh fard min fara’id al-wudu’. - Using a Siwak is a Sunnah act in Wudu.
Isti’mal al-siwak sunnah fi al-wudu’.
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