مرحباً بمتعلمي العربية
Hello arabic learners
Today’s lesson will be about name of foods in arabic.
There are several words for “food” in Arabic, depending on the context:
- طعام (Ta3aam): This is the most general word for “food” and can be used in most situations.
- أكل (اكل): This literally translates to “eating” but can also be used informally to refer to “food” in general, especially a meal.
- مأكولات (Ma’kuulaat): This is the plural of “مأكل (Ma’kal)” which means “something eaten.” It refers to various food items collectively.
- غذاء (Ghidhaa’): This specifically refers to “nourishment” or “sustenance.”
Here are some additional Arabic words related to food:
- وجبة (Wajba): This means “meal.”
- طبخ (Tabkh): This means “cooking.”
- فاكهة (Faakهة): This means “fruit.”
- خضار (Khudhaar): This means “vegetable.”
- حلوى (Halwa): This means “sweets” or “desserts.”
- خبز (Khobz): This means “bread.”
- لحم (Laحم): This means “meat.”
- سمك (Samak): This means “fish.”
with the name of popular types of foods and the right pronunciation.
some of the arabic proverbs about food
لا تأكل خبزك على مائدة غيرك
Don’t eat your bread on someone else’s table.
لا تسقط من كفه خردلة
Literal meaning: He doesn’t drop a mustard.
لا طال توت الشام ولا عنب اليمن
Literal meaning: He got neither the berries of Sham nor the grapes of Yemen.
Use: Said to a greedy person who lost every thing.
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