Fall Fruits and Vegetables in Arabic
القائمة الكاملة لأسماء الفواكة والخضروات فى فصل الخريف باللغة العربية Fall vegetables in Arabic:
القائمة الكاملة لأسماء الفواكة والخضروات فى فصل الخريف باللغة العربية Fall vegetables in Arabic:
The Arabic alphabet الأبجدية العربية has 28 letters, and every letter has 4 shapes. In this lesson, we will learn the shapes and Pronunciation of each letter. Different varieties and shapes of Arabic alphabets How to pronounce Arabic alphabetic Please note When listening you will listen to the letter with fatha, dama, and kasra أ
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Spring fruits in Arabic: Arabic Pronunciation Egyptian Arabic English مشمش Mshmsh mshmsh Apricot موز Mawz Mooz banana توت Toot Toot blueberry عنب 3enb 3enb grape جريب فروت grapefruit grapefruit grapefruit ليمون Laymoon Lamoon lemon يوسفي Yosofe Yostafandy tangerine بابايا papaya babaya papaya أناناس Ananas Ananas pineapple فراولة Frawlah Frawlah strawberry Do you know other
Here is a list of the winter Fruits and Vegetables in Arabic. Winter fruits in Arabic: Arabic Pronunciation Egyptian Arabic English موز Mawz Mooz banana جوز الهند Gawz El hend Gozt El hand coconut عنب 3enab 3enab grape جريب فروت grapefruit grapefruit grapefruit كيوي kiwi kiwi kiwi fruit ليمون Laymon lamoon lemon اللّيْم Al lime
Arabic nations respect the family and the bonds among relatives a lot, in this lesson we will join Sarah who will talk about her small family and we will list the family vocabulary in Arabic and English. مرحباً : اسمى سارة، وأنا إبنة عمرو و ليلى. وحفيدة أحمد وفاطمة. Hello , My name is Sarah
In today’s lesson we will have the four seasons in Arabic. what do we do in the four seasons
We all have our favorite Hobbies and we usually speak about it. In this lesson you will learn how to talk about your favorite hobby in Arabic. List of hobbies in Arabic and English: English Arabic Reading القراءة Watching TV مشاهدة التلفزيون Family Time قضاء الوقت مع الأسرة Going to cinema الذهاب إلى السينما Fishing
How to ask for the road Arabic Pronunciation English أين ….؟ Ayna…? Where…….? كيف أصل إلى ….؟ Kayfa asel ela …? How do I get….? أين أقرب…..؟ Ayana aqrab …? Where is the nearest..? هل هذا هو الطريق إلى…..؟ Hal haza hwa al tariq ela … ? Is this the way to …..? Places you
Cardinal Directions in Arabic In Arabic, mastering the points of the compass not only enhances your vocabulary but also plays a crucial role in everyday communication, especially in regions where traditional direction-giving still relies heavily on these terms. Whether navigating through city streets, planning a trip through the desert, or engaging in conversation about geography,
Cardinal directions in Arabic – Points of the compass in arabic – اتجاهات البوصلة Read More »
Arabic names that start with A Arabic names for girls / women Name in Arabic Pronounce Meaning عفيفة Afifah modest أمل Amal Hope ألماس Almas Diamond أمينة Aminah faithful آية Ayah Verse in quran أفنان Afnan Green branches of tree أمت السلام Amatasalam Servant of peace أنابيا Anabia Door of jannat عائشة Aysha Alive and
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