
Modern strategies for teaching Arabic as a second language (online)

Strategies for teaching the Arabic language online


There are several teaching methodologies used in teaching the Arabic language:

Grammar-Translation Method: This method focuses on the study of grammar rules and translation of text from Arabic to the student’s native language.
Audio-Lingual Method: This method emphasizes on listening and speaking skills, using audio materials and repetition to learn the language.
Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): This method focuses on the use of the language in real-life situations, encouraging students to communicate in the target language.
Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT): This method uses real-life tasks and activities to encourage students to use the language in a meaningful way.
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL): This method combines language learning with the study of subject-specific content.
The Direct Method: This method emphasizes on the use of the target language in teaching, avoiding the use of the student’s native language.
The Natural Approach: This method is based on the idea that language acquisition occurs naturally, just as a child learns their first language.
The Silent Way:  This method emphasizes on the use of visual aids and gestures to help students understand new concepts.
The Total Physical Response: This method emphasizes on the use of physical movement in response to verbal commands to learn the language.
The Community Language Learning: This method emphasizes on the use of the target language in the community and with native speakers.

The system for teaching the Arabic language remotely requires the inclusion of effective activities and study plans to introduce the Arabic language to children in a smooth and appropriate way for the online educational environment.
As it enabled teachers of the Arabic language to develop some effective strategies in the process of teaching the Arabic language remotely after the spread of the Corona pandemic.
Among the most prominent of these strategies are the following:


Lectures are the most widely used strategy for teaching the Arabic language remotely, as teachers use a method of lectures that relies on traditional teaching of the Arabic language but via the Internet. Lectures are usually combined with other, more active educational strategies. To transfer the Arabic language, enhance understanding, and arouse the interests of students.


Including discussion strategies within the process of teaching the Arabic language remotely enhances learning and involves children in the activities of the education process. Arabic teachers ask questions that allow students to use their analytical and cognitive skills, and children feel more comfortable participating in online discussions compared to traditional education.


The simulation strategy is used in distance learning Arabic to provide a realistic digital learning environment for children; This strategy contributes to preparing Arabic language students who are able to deal with realistic work environments, as simulation can be used to clarify the rules and provisions of intonation in the study of the Holy Qur’an, and it is worth noting that there are some electronic platforms that provide a variety of scenarios that support the educational process, which can be For teachers of the Arabic language and the Holy Quran use it.


Teachers present the information to be communicated to students through video demonstrations . To review the content at any time


Game strategies can be included within the process of teaching the Arabic language remotely, as this technology allows non-native Arabic language students to have practical experience in a digital environment that can be used in real life. The teacher can also encourage children in the educational process through the use of tools Motivation to provide friendly competition among the studying children; Which enables them to master the four skills of the Arabic language, such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, and the provisions of reciting the Noble Qur’an and its intonation.

Case Study

The case study strategy is one of the most important strategies for distance teaching Arabic. It provides children who learn Arabic online with an active learning environment that enhances their research and problem-solving skills, and can be used in a cooperative manner, allowing children who learn Arabic to communicate and learn from each other. Answer this question, and some online references can be suggested to obtain the information.

Using the chat technology

The Arabic language teacher, through this strategy, presents information on the chat of the education platform, then asks the students to press the “like” button on the platform if they understand the information, and press “I did not like it” if they do not understand the information; Which gives him an idea of whether the students need more time to understand the content of the information, and the chat strategy helps to measure the understanding of all students and children of a particular topic.

Using the tools available on the Internet

The teacher can use some teaching tools available on the Internet. Such as creating a test to identify information that adults or children did not understand and re-explain it to them. It is also possible to create a chat room for students; To discuss a specific topic and answer each other’s questions, and there are many tools that can be used in distance education, such as; (Kahoot) site dedicated to conducting Arabic language tests, and a site dedicated to creating chat rooms.

Taking care of health

The profession of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers is a bit stressful even if it is online, and therefore the teacher of Arabic as a second language must use strategies related to his mental and physical health; such as sleeping in a healthy and appropriate manner, exercising, and obtaining fresh air, and it is worth noting that whenever the Arabic language teacher is in good health; The remote Arabic lessons were more effective.

Involving parents in education

Parents can contribute to improving the process of teaching the Arabic language remotely. This is due to their physical presence near the student, and they can do this by motivating Arabic as a second language students to attend educational lessons, and the teacher can also send emails to parents containing details about the performance of Arabic as a second language students, and how they can address problems.

Communicating orders to children

As the Arabic language teacher sends orders about the behavior of Arabic language students throughout the duration of the lesson. Such as preventing them from using their devices during the lesson for purposes other than their homework, or that they must use (the hand-raising tool) if they wish to answer a question, or ask a specific question.

eArabicLearning utilizes a variety of modern teaching methodologies in their Arabic language courses. These include:

Task-based language teaching: This approach focuses on teaching students to use the language in real-life situations, such as making a phone call or ordering food at a restaurant.
Communicative language teaching: This approach emphasizes the use of authentic materials and encourages students to use the language in a communicative way.
Interactive language teaching: eArabicLearning makes use of interactive activities and games to make the learning process more engaging and effective.
Personalized learning: eArabicLearning provides personalized study plans for each student, tailored to their individual goals and learning style.
Technology-assisted learning: eArabicLearning uses a variety of technology tools to enhance the learning experience, such as interactive whiteboards, audio and video resources, and digital flashcards.
Blended learning: eArabicLearning combines online learning with traditional classroom instruction, providing the best of both worlds.
By using a combination of these methodologies, eArabicLearning aims to provide an effective and engaging learning experience for students of all levels