Body parts in Arabic
Learn how to say body parts in Arabic language . WhatsApp:
Learn how to say body parts in Arabic language . WhatsApp:
If you travel to a country where Arabic is spoken, chances are that sooner or later you’ll find yourself using a computer. For English speakers, the Arabic of computers and the internet can be surprisingly easy—in areas of technology, many Arabic terms were adopted from English. In this table we have highlighted the most famous
Arabic-English Glossary of Computer and Internet Terms Read More »
The English vowels A, E, I, O & U have no equivalent in the Arabic alphabet. However, the Arabic language has special symbols which serve as vowels. These symbols are placed either above or under the letter which is vocalized. Knowing your vowels will help you identify the proper pronunciation of words. As a beginner,
General travel vocabulary public transport مواصلات عامة Mowslat a’amah The road الطريق Al Tarik The highway الطريق السريع Al Tarik Al Sari’a The port الميناء Al Minaa The airport المطار Al MAtar Arrival time وقت الوصول Wqt alwosol departure time وقت الإقلاع Wqt elqla’ A journey رحلة Re7lah At the airport فى المطار Show
وسائل الموصلات المختلفة شاحنة Sha7enah أتوبيس Autobes ميكروباص Microbus دراجة Daragh دراجه نارية Daragh Naryah سفينة Safenah طائرة Taerah قطار Ketar سيارة sayrah Useful means of transport expressions Arabic Romanized Arabic محطة Mahath قطار Ketar نزول Nozol رصيف Raseef رحلة Re7lah مغادرة Mogadrah وصول Wosol محرك Mo7rek حافلة Hafelah مطار Matar طائرة Ta’erh بوابة المغادرة
This table contains a list of Clothes in Arabic. Read , Listen & repeat. English Arabic Pronunciation Coat معطف m’etf trench بالطو Balto Fur coat معطف الفرو m’etf alfrw Jacket سترة strh Pants بنطال bintaal Vest سترة sotrah Socks جِورب jewrab Hat قُبَّعة koubaah Blouse بلوزة blwzh t-shirt تي شيرت ty shyrt Shirt قميص
This is How Arabs use greetings in Different dialects this lesson will be on modern standard Arabic , Syrian dialect, Tunisian dialect, Egyptian dialect and Algerian dialect in masculine. Arabic dialects, also called colloquial or colloquial, refer to dialects of the non-standard Arabic language, unlike Standard Arabic, where there is usually linguistic duplication between its
Arabic Interrogative particles Interrogative Particle أَ / هَلْ When مَتَى / أَيّانَ What ما / ماذا Why لِماذا / لِما How كَيْفَ From where / how أَنّى Who مَنْ Where أَيْنَ How many كَمْ About what عَمَّ Which أَيُّ Whose لمن Arabic Interrogative Sentences Examples: هل تلعب الكرة ؟ Do you play football? متى سافرت
We have Collected a list of the most needed 100 Arabic words/phrases with English and french translation also the pronunciation of each word /phrase. More Arabic resources: In An introduction to the root and pattern system in Arabic we Explain the Arabic root and pattern system. See here how many word can you get fro
القائمة الكاملة لأسماء الفواكة والخضروات فى فصل الخريف باللغة العربية Fall vegetables in Arabic: