Interrogative pronouns in Arabic

Interrogative pronouns in Arabic are used to ask questions. They help inquire about people, things, places, times, and more.

Let's Learn Arabic With Madu - The main interrogative pronouns are "what,"  "which," "who," "whom," and "whose." Interrogative pronouns are used to ask  questions. So let's give a try to learn them

Let’s delve into the world of Arabic Interrogative Pronouns. These essential linguistic tools facilitate inquiry and drive understanding within conversations. Here’s a comprehensive guide:

Interrogative Pronouns in Arabic: Paving the Way for Inquiries and Understanding

  1. مَاذَا / مَا:
    • Corresponds to “what”.
    • Example: What is your name? (ما اسمك؟)
  2. لِمَاذَا / لِمَ:
    • Corresponds to “why”.
    • Example: Why did you come late? (لماذا جئت متأخرًا؟)
  3. مَنْ:
    • Corresponds to “who”.
    • Example: Who is your teacher? (من معلمك؟)
  4. لِمَنْ:
    • Corresponds to “for whom” or “for which”.
    • Example: For whom is this gift? (لمن هذه الهدية؟)
  5. ءَ:
    • Corresponds to “which”.
    • Example: Which book do you want? (أي كتاب تريد؟)
  6. هَلْ:
    • Used to form yes/no questions.
    • Example: Did you eat? (هل أكلت؟)
  7. مَتَى:
    • Corresponds to “when”.
    • Example: When will you arrive? (متى ستصل؟)
  8. أَيْنَ:
    • Corresponds to “where”.
    • Example: Where is the library? (أين المكتبة؟)
  9. فِيْمَا:
    • Corresponds to “in what”.
    • Example: In what field do you specialize? (فيما تختص؟)
  10. أَنَّى:
    • Corresponds to “from where” or “how come”.
    • Example: How come you are here? (أنى أنت هنا؟)
  11. كَيْفَ:
    • Corresponds to “how”.
    • Example: How did you solve the problem? (كيف حلّت المشكلة؟)
  12. كَمْ:
    • Corresponds to “how much” or “how many”.
    • Example: How much does this cost? (كم يكلف هذا؟)
  13. أَيَّانَ:
    • Corresponds to “when” (used in classical Arabic).
    • Example: When will the rain stop? (أيان يتوقف المطر؟)
  14. أَيٌّ (masculine) / أَيَّةٌ (feminine)**:
    • Corresponds to “which one” or “whose”.
    • Example: Which book is yours? (أي كتاب لك؟)
  15. أَمْ:
    • Used to form yes/no questions (alternative to هَلْ).
    • Example: Are you coming? (أم تأتي؟)
  16. عَمَّ / عَمَّا:
    • Corresponds to “about what”.
    • Example: What are you talking about? (عمّا تتحدث؟)
  17. مِمَّ / مِمَّا:
    • Corresponds to “from what”.
    • Example: From what material is this made? (مما صنع هذا؟)

Interrogative Pronouns in the Holy Quran: Illustrative Examples

  • They said, “Are you indeed Joseph?” (12:90)
  • Say, “What thing is greatest in testimony?” (6:19)
  • Or do you think that you will enter Paradise? (2:214)
  • Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? (2:255)
  • *And what is that in

Interrogative pronouns are crucial for asking questions and gathering information in Arabic. Practice using them in various contexts to improve your proficiency in the language.