Learn Classic Arabic

30 most common Landmarks in Arabic

This lesson should help students in level b1 & b2 to learn Listening, reading and Understanding vocabularies about palaces and Landmarks in Arabic language. Translation الكلمة pronunciation Gym صالة ألعاب salat alaleab Castle قَصر qalea Police station مركز الشرطة Markaz Alshourtah Library مكتبة maktaba clinic عيادة eiada Video Game Center مركز ألعاب الفيديو markaz ‘aleab […]

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Arabic language for Journalism

This lesson is for students who interests in learning Arabic Language for practicing politics or international press in Arabic . it contains 30 of the most common words in the field of The political field in Arabic. you can read and listen the pronunciation of each word . Translation الكلمة pronunciation Embassy سفارة sifara Ambassador سفير

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Weather and climate in Arabic

This Lesson will help students to learn a 20 vocabularies related to weather forecast in Arabic , Weather and climate . طقس Weather مناخ climate جو Atmosphere رياح Winds سحاب Clouds غائم cloudy مشمس Sunny دافئ Warm ممطر Rainy فيضان Flood زلازل Earthquakes بركان Volcano ثلوج Snow حار Hot بارد Cold معتدل Moderate الربيع The

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parenting in the west, Responsibility and decision.

The tax that the Arab nation immigrants pays to the Western side is really expensive, because simply you didn’t pay only for your work or your own business but actually you pay it as your children Islamic identity and their Arabic culture. If you weren’t aware enough then, the price could be they get rid of

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Transportation Vocabulary in Arabic

وسائل الموصلات المختلفة شاحنة Sha7enah أتوبيس Autobes ميكروباص Microbus دراجة Daragh دراجه نارية Daragh Naryah سفينة Safenah طائرة Taerah قطار Ketar سيارة sayrah Useful means of transport expressions Arabic Romanized Arabic محطة Mahath قطار Ketar نزول Nozol رصيف Raseef رحلة Re7lah مغادرة Mogadrah وصول Wosol محرك Mo7rek حافلة Hafelah مطار Matar طائرة Ta’erh بوابة المغادرة

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Arabic greetings in different dialects

  This is How Arabs use greetings in Different dialects this lesson will be on modern standard Arabic , Syrian dialect, Tunisian dialect,  Egyptian dialect and Algerian dialect in masculine. Arabic dialects, also called colloquial or colloquial, refer to dialects of the non-standard Arabic language, unlike Standard Arabic, where there is usually linguistic duplication between its

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Arabic Interrogative Sentences (Question Tools)

Arabic Interrogative particles Interrogative Particle أَ / هَلْ When مَتَى / أَيّانَ What ما / ماذا Why لِماذا / لِما How كَيْفَ From where / how أَنّى Who مَنْ Where أَيْنَ How many كَمْ About what عَمَّ Which أَيُّ Whose لمن Arabic Interrogative Sentences Examples: هل تلعب الكرة ؟ Do you play football? متى سافرت

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